Friday, October 10, 2014

"Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys"

Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys”

          A friend, RM shared this on Facebook, “Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys”. It helped me a great deal as I found that I had been sharing too many circuses as well as way too many monkeys while most of them were definitely not mine.
          When we lived in the world, partake in the living, we often end up with much more than we think that we can handle and I for one was despairing from it, the constant influx of various woes, real or imagined from others and from myself kept hitting on my senses and mind until I had reached a limit and finally starting picking myself up from among the rubble, dusting the reminiscences from the outside  and inside of my soul and began unraveling the threads that had entwined themselves around my heart and had burrowed into the very core of my being.  Enough is enough.  Get over it, past it and walk back to the happy, optimist soul who believed in the divineness of everything and everyone.  That soul was interested in sharing, helping, relishing the days that unfolded in the miracles of the universe.
          But how, how to find the complete faith in miracles that had slipped through cracks that had eroded my being of divine energy. I started in the middle, in the heart, with uncertain steps while I sweep the webs of unquiet, disorderly pieces of chaos out the door, hopefully to never be seen, felt or heard from again.  Optimistic, I hoped so.
          But though it may not always be my circus, sometimes it is still my monkey.  At least that is what my husband and I discovered while our son was working on getting a new apartment with his girlfriend.  Having no job to speak of, he needed information from his parents to show that he was a good risk with his parents’ credit reports, etc to be faxed to the property management. Hence, not my circus but it was definitely my monkey.  Fortunately for both our son and his girlfriend they were able to move into the apartment they wanted without us signing our lives away which we were not willing to do.  Sending dollars his way on occasion was a commitment we were willing and able to do.  Who was it anyway that didn’t mention the lifetime contract between a child and their parents? It is not mentioned anywhere of the numerous circuses that one’s monkey might be in traveling in while winding through the growing process of  being an adult, an independent being who will somehow survive the walk of  life while living on this planet.
          Back to my particular thoughts of the circuses that I feel are revolving about me, how do you get rid of the ache from watching a young friend struggling to keep a happy face through the long days of waiting before facing another ordeal.  You don’t. You can’t if you have a heart with any compassion so you try to remember that their particular painful circus is not yours though in some way it seems that you have acquired another monkey.
          I guess it becomes a matter of stopping before walking out the door, taking a deep breath and setting our intention for the day.  We do have choices.  I am choosing to be happy. I am choosing to allow myself to love me. I am relishing the knowledge that I am a divine expression of God, my divine creator, the goddess or whatever name you might want to place in your mind while creating a healthy space for growing in peace.
          I am back to reading those things that help my frame of mind with positive gifts that anchored my heart, mind and soul in just the right spot for me. By turning off the fears that seems to be everywhere I am achieving high ground where I can sit watching the green blades of grass escaping the earth to carpet the world in my mind.  I can sit back, close my eyes and worship the fragrances of fresh blooming roses of protection that I have seen in visions. By allowing the beauty to flow into my mind and body, I find that I am once again becoming myself of years past.  I liked that woman, her smiles were radiant, her heart was purer and her belief was complete.  I think that I will stay here.  Wish me luck.   

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