Sunday, August 4, 2019

Crumbs in the Making

I love getting out with friends, going to dinner, seeing a play.  In this instance, a couple of friends, my husband and I went to dinner before heading off to see a local play.  My husband ate a bit early as he was an actor in the play and needed to be at the theater before we did.

The food was wonderful, the company divine. After some time chatting at the dinner table at a local restaurant we headed off to the theater just a short walk away.  We resumed our chatting, our laughter sitting around a table in the lobby of the theater.  One of my friends declared a crumb emergency.  She had bread crumbs from dinner lodged in her bra.  Damn those bras, they catch everything particularly at dinner and when the bra isn’t giving you grief with the random items which have found themselves inside the cups, the air space between the two breasts the bra cuts into tender shoulders and underneath one’s boobs. Really annoying.

Thankfully, we had enough time for things to be taken care of before heading into the theater.  It was a great performance.  We all enjoyed the show presented by a local theater company.  After the show, we parted ways.  My friends headed home after many hugs were given and I waited for the man, my husband to take me home. When we walked out the door, it was perfect with no vampires, werewolves to greet us.  Best of all, no rain.

When I think of my life, it is filled with crumbs. Crumbs are not a bad thing. In fact, I rather enjoy the crumbs in my life.  It shows I have been living a life.  I am not sure I appreciate the assorted body aches but heck, I am sixty-five years old.  I can touch my toes, I can walk easily with both my feet.  My feet are enjoying the journey, buying new socks, new shoes.
Well, my eyesight has changed.  Definitely, I need my reading glasses for the fine print.  Sometimes, I am not sure I want to read the fine print.  I am just thankful both of my eyes work fairly well. I find there is so much to see.  The beauty of the world reveals itself daily.  The man points out things so I don’t miss anything whenever we are walking.  I have to admit the best view is still his smile when he sees me walking towards him across a parking lot.  It makes me feel special.

Crumbs. Sometimes they are just bread on your plate. Forgotten memories remembered, a happy face looking back at you, a pair of earrings you thought were gone forever. A new book given to you to read from a friend, a spoonful of soup, a bite of someone else’s sandwich (in my case, the man, my husband who suffers so).

I am thinking I might try and figure out what crumbs I can share with friends and family. Perhaps, an unexpected phone call, an old-fashioned newsy letter, fresh baked cookies to share at work.  I have in the past, picked up hot coffee and sandwiches at a grocery store for the people huddling out of the weather outside the store. I don’t give money. But food, a smile, a hello to let them know I see them.

More and more as I gain more years under my belt, I try and figure out what the person in the mirror might like. After all, I am spending a lot of time with her. I might just treat her as special. Every day, every hour, every minute. After all, she is my best friend next to the man. What do you think?

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