Wednesday, September 19, 2018

To Read or What not to Read

To Read or What not to Read

I am a reader.  I read all varieties of books.  Informative, inspirational, pure candy novels, hard fiction, horror and mysteries.  You name it, I have probably ventured to try it. My preference, however, would be science fiction, and fantasy with a couple of monsters thrown in.

Recently, my man wrote a novel that he was able to get published.  It has been released as a kindle version with a paperback version to come out this fall.   It happens to fall in one of my favorite categories, a space opera.   For one of the best in my point of view, I would go with Lois McMaster Bujold and her Vorkosigan Saga with Miles Vorkosigan.  My man has been reading the books to me.  We still are not finished the series as he switches to various other novels in between.  Terry Pratchett is a favorite with the Disc World books for our nightly reading.  Currently we are working on a new book and author to us on the kindle, Robert Lee Beers, “A Slight Case of Death”. It is “A Tony Mandolin Mystery”.  I am enjoying it.  My man, the actor lends his voice to the characters in this quick moving novel.  I have grown to like Mandolin and hate the fact my husband limits my bedtime stories when he sees my eyes at half-mast.

A few weeks ago, my man wrote in his blog about the change in reading from books to electronic devices such as the kindle.  He has his opinion which pretty well mirrors my own.  A glance about our house will lead you to believe our preference because of the various bookcases in every room we read books.  Well, not all of them.  None are for show, it just that we haven’t gotten to them yet.  For years and years, we have forsaken various books on shelves to the point that I am surprised that we have only gotten one or two duplicates in the thirty eight years we have been together.

Yes, we do use the library.  I am addict.  I work across the street from the library and despite the full bookcases at home I will wandered occasionally to see what is new, interesting and tempting enough to walk out the door with it tucked under my arm.  I love the feel of a book in my hands, I like the turning of pages, using various slips of paper to mark my place with a few bookmarks thrown in here and there in the piles of books that I have placed on the table waiting for my return.

A kindle just doesn’t seem the same.  I have probably fifteen total books loaded on ours.  Two came with the kindle. My husband reads in the bathtub, he loves a good soak with a good book.  You can imagine my shock to walk in and find him with my kindle (correction, our kindle, my man so kindly pointed out to me) in the bathtub with him.  A drowned book, okay, a very sad occurrence but the kindle?  The man pointed out to me because of the new cover, it wasn’t as slippery.  I backed out, sputtering to myself under my breath, my kindle, my kindle.  I didn’t have the heart to wrestle it from him when he smiled with his blue eyes twinkling at me.  But, growl.

Frequently, I chided myself about the content of what I am reading.  I am torn between “improving my mind” with my reading and a simple just quick good read.  Recently, I had an idea for a blog “The Zen of Shoelaces”.  I figured that I should read up on the matter a bit more, refresh my memory though I practice some form of mindfulness daily.  As we were picking up a friend at the airport, I was able to stop at the bookstore there and found two new books to inspire me.  “Mindfulness on the Go” by Jan Chozen Bays, MD seemed to fit the bill for a refresher on Zen.  I picked up “How to Love” by Thich Nhat Hanh, a favorite author of mine plus a quick read by Gail Carriger.  Needlessly to say, I have finished the Gail Carriger book a couple of weeks ago and I am still working on the other two.  Perhaps, it is because I misplaced the books for a couple of days?

No, I think inspirational books require more work, more attention with less distraction occurring around you. You can’t read while eating, watching bits of the news, talking or listening to someone else while trying to absorb or understand a theory, notion or great revelation.  You have to be present. You need to be alone.  Oh, God or Goddess can hang out with you, angels may hover but essentially you and you alone must hit the book or books and read with intent.

I am a morning person.  I prefer to wake up naturally which I do on the weekends.  But being a forty hour a week employee, I set my alarm for early, like in five am early.  It gives me time to read, sitting quietly at the table with a quick read or some a bit heavier and more inspirational.  This morning, I am up writing as my husband whisked himself off to work out at the community REC center.  This is my time.  Ordinarily, I would be out walking but as fall comes closer, the sun is still waiting to arrive.  I don’t walk in the dark.  I read with the light of my lamp. I pray. Mostly, I read or write depending on my morning inspiration.  Yesterday, I did stripped the beds and did laundry. Sometimes, I just exist.  It is a good thing.

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