Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Great Constancy in Life

The Great Constancy in Life

Lately, I have found that many things occur over and over without any input or output from whatever I think I might be doing.  In some ways it is very comforting.  I don’t have to do anything, things just happen.  The sun comes up and goes down without my thoughts, gosh, I forgot to make a sunrise, drat, sunset time again.  Where is my mind today?

Looking on a smaller scale, there is the daily ritual of the spider in the bathtub.  Every morning as we start getting ready for work either myself or the man, my husband goes in the bathroom to start the water for the tub.   We have a small jar, a small cardboard piece of paper that we keep in the bathroom.  It is our spider jar.  As the days have grown shorter, our equipment has been in use every morning when we discover our spider sitting or racing about the tub in a frantic state of bewilderment.

My husband’s comment this morning as I greeted him at the door with jar, cardboard and spider was the same as always, “Is this our spider?”  My reply, “Yes.”  Without another word, he took everything away and headed out the door, down the driveway of our house to deposit the spider somewhere out there.

Constancy. This creature is part of the great constancy in my life.  Somehow, every day, I imagine its mind saying, “Here we go again.”

It has been months since I started this latest addition to my blog.  Where have I been? What thoughts have crawled or leaped through my mind and really does it matter.   Christmas is nearly here in just a few more weeks.  I am happy that our Christmas tree is finally up as I was hit with a nasty cold which managed to bring with it a horrid cough that made me happy for codeine to keep me resting for three nights.  I have spent a whole week of resting at home, missing doing things I love to do, like walking outside in the beautiful weather that we have been having, cooking Christmas goodies to share at work, and just enjoying whatever comes along.  I really don’t like being sick, it cuts into my social life.

But getting back to the great constancy in my life, my random thoughts just don’t seem to be quite as random as you might think.   Months ago, I asked a local artist to make some felted hats for my son and his girlfriend.  I didn’t think about it much knowing that she make contact with me after my request was finished.  Until this week, I didn’t think about the hats because I have great trust in having things come to me at the right time after setting things in motion.  I had after all, talked to the artist, gave her my phone number, address then I went my merry way.

On Thursday, I thought about the hats, I had told my husband that I wanted an outing because I was finally on the mend.  I had called a local bookstore checking for various books for Christmas, they had them, I told the woman on the other end of the line to expect me on Friday for dinner while I picked up my books.  I texted a friend, asked her to meet us for dinner.  My plans were complete so I took a nap.

Things just go nicely for me, we arrived at the bookstore/restaurant and were greeted by Kate who said “I have a nice table on reserve for you.” I hadn’t given my name nor had I asked for reservation but the universe as always had everything neatly in hand.  Caller ID is great.  It was a table for two, we let her know that we would be three for dinner and quickly we were given another nice table.  We were in luck, a band that we knew would be playing in the small, intimate space.  My husband sat down and I went to reassure the bookstore that I was there and would like to pay for dinner plus my other purchases all at the same time, wandered a bit, added to my pile, headed back to the table to rejoin my husband while we waited for my friend.

Well, it was a lovely night, my friend showed up, dinner was tasty, and the band was marvelous.  Making it perfect was my artist of wonderful hats arriving for dinner as well.  She had lost my phone number but had the hats at home.  She gave us the opportunity to come to her house the next morning and pick up the hats.  Remember my idle thoughts about the artist, the hats, perhaps it was a glimpse into the future, a moment allowing me to know that I would be seeing her or was it my thoughts bringing her to me?  There is an old saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”
As I look back at my nasty cold, I am aware that after my husband who had surgery over a month ago came home from his visit with the doctor stating that he had been released from all restrictions.  I felt a release, a knowing that now I could be sick, have it over and get well before our son arrives for Christmas.  It makes me wonder, did I give myself permission to grab whatever was in the office of coughing, nose blowing just feeling icky co-workers.  Well, it was a stupid idea.  Just because everyone else is doing it, it does not mean that I need to do it.
Once again, it seems to me that there is definitely a constancy in my life which revolves around my thoughts.  My thoughts bring both bad and good things to whatever reality I believe that I am experiencing. With this at the front of my mind, I am determined to work harder on the little, restless thoughts wandering through my mind perhaps corralling a few if necessary. I know that my heart, soul and mind seem to expand with music.  Music is great for rounding up various idle thoughts, it brings me to a place where I can center myself, enjoy the brilliancy of the divine light before releasing it outward.  


Perhaps, that is what I needed, a reminder of how carefully I can maneuver myself into a situation.  So what is the plan? Where is the strategy for allowing creative, constructive, divine thoughts to grow? It is near Christmas time, a time for miracles. This year, I allow myself the miracle of being. For being brings the constancy of life in every moment.  Merry Christmas to those who celebrate this day. To myself, I will open my heart to all possibilities, to all beliefs for that is the joy of being.