Tuesday, April 30, 2024


I am excited and thrilled to be included in this anthology collection of stories, essays, and one poem (written by yours truly) along with a short story I have written. Here is a link to preorder. The book is scheduled for release on Mother's Day. 

Meanwhile, enjoy the day.  

Monday, April 29, 2024

A Walk Through Pilgrim at Tinker Creek


A Walk Through Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

My husband and I read nightly or rather he reads to me from a book we have selected together. Sometimes, it is a book he is wanting to read but is waiting to share the experience with me. He is always spot on when it comes to knowing what might please me. A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek is a book we had on the bookshelf and not having anything else we started reading. My mind was taken on a journey, I was familiar with some things I had experienced in my own childhood and with the other experiences of the author, Annie Dillard, I had pause to think. Since my husband and I have a great deal of education concerning biology, both plants and animals, etc., it started out as an interesting read. But it made me wonder am I where I should be? In my life, in the world, and the universe. I had forgotten to look. I have just been traveling through the days.

When I was younger, I was more introspective concerning my place in the world, but I did not worry about the next minute, hour, or day. Instead, I would spend hours with my belly hugging the ground watching ants go in and out of the mound, rest on my back watching clouds move through the sky and go for long walks watching everything I saw. I was complete.

Come to think of it, I still do not worry. I have great faith something will happen and it is all good though sometimes a bit rough about the edges. It is the edges getting me down on occasion until I remind myself “This too will pass.” I still possess a wonder about the world. From the various songs of the birds in the morning to the baying and barking of dogs in the distance, I find myself wanting to know what they are saying high in the treetops or low in the now greening bushes. The dogs are of equal interest, are they alone in their home, yard, or kennel? Is the animal waiting to be fed? Or sad because their person had to leave them home? Then there is the silence. I like it. The peacefulness of a deserted street early in the morning. I can hear the birds better, I can notice the chill of the wind, and hear the beginning patter of the rain falling.

I marveled at Annie Dillard’s descriptions of what she saw around her. It is something, I could not do as I lack the knowledge of the life of various animals and insects, mostly, it is experience. I left the innocence of nature for college and the busyness of being there. I left the river, the fields, the mountain, and the hikes along the ridges. The elk across the river in their winter pasture, the frost on the inside of my bedroom window and the icy, snowy trek to the outhouse in the night. Instead, I was discovering a whole new world in which I saw The Wizard of Oz for the first time in color when Dorothy reached Oz. I found out I could be accepted without much attention placed on the tone of my skin. Growing up indigenous in a small community was not without difficulties. I survived.

Life is survival. I am quite accepting of the heaven in my small circle of existence. I am grateful when I wake up, after all I am still here and isn’t that the root of it all? Being still here.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Struggle is Real


The Struggle is Real

I have started writing again and finally sending some of what I do out into the world for others to see. It is an ongoing struggle with distractions hounding me, chasing me around, and being plagued by nap attacks. But what can you do? Finally, I gave in to a title which I have no idea where the story is going, the characters on the stage, and the reason for writing it. Is a mystery. No, not the story though I suppose everything we write is a mystery one sentence after another. I guess I need to keep plugging along until I can determine what I am doing.

This is the teaser for the cover for an anthology in which I have two pieces in. A short story and a poem. Full cover will be released closer to book release in May.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Body (beginning of something, I hope)


This is a new idea I am kicking around. This is a character from something else I am working on.

The Body

            As murders go, it was not the worse. The body was cold, limbs a bit twisted as if falling in motion as an attempt to get away. It would have been processed by the locals, except for the fact a member of The Authority had been present. The officer was on loan for a particular reason, what was considered a lack of performance at the last incident. Called an incident because things were lacking normalcy, feathers, everywhere. A lack of a body but lots of blood, fluids scattered throughout a suite of five rooms. The Authority had been there before anyone else could arrive and this particular officer had contaminated the scene and neglected to wear booties. But the worse offence was a tissue which had fallen out of the pocket of the officer, it was covered in his own body fluids, snot from his nose, complete with a nose hair. Allergies will get you all the time.

            Agent Accent of The Authority was not pleased.  She was currently investigating a quite puzzling case with overtones of the abnormal. But what is one more puzzle? She examined her booties carefully and pointily glared at the slightly trembling Authority officer on assignment to a normal branch of duty. Another officer moved the tape baring entrance so she could enter.  Her eyes flickered over the scene, the normal police, emergency workers had been removed and her own team was in place including the disgraced Authority officer. Agent Accent stifled a sigh, he was her problem now.

            The victim had been a woman with augmented body parts, not overly done but rather a way to hide what would have had shown clearly, if you knew what you were looking for.  Agent Accent sniffled the air but only smelt the tang of red blood, the emptying of bowels, and beneath was a floral tone, hard to distinguish from the more potent scents. She walked carefully about the body, noting the palm of the left hand turned outward as if it was a final attempt at warding off what was coming. Agent Accent wanted to close her eyes and look more deeply at what might be lingering, a ghost, a glimmer, an essence but first, a look at what had triggered needing her presence and the team from The Authority.

            The trembling, disgraced officer now assigned to this case came forward at her beckoning. “Show me.” Agent Accent was referring to the starred marker on the floor and next to wall nearing the front door. A discolored spot was on both. The young officer licked his lips and lead her carefully to the possible evidence, a clue perhaps to what might have done this. What, not who?  The spots on both the floor and wall were maybe body fluids from an unnoticed nick or cut on the perpetrator.